Friday, 31 January 2025

Paganfest – Elvenking / Heidevolk / Tyr / Ensiferum / Alestorm – O2 Academy Brixton – 19.01.2025


Sunday afternoon a bit different as we went out to go and see the London leg of the Paganfest!! I’m not usually too much into this sub-genre but there were a couple of bands I wanted to re-watch and after not having a great impression of Alestorm’s music, I wanted to see their show!!

So we got to Brixton (me, Ines and the rest of the warrior sisters), had a beer in the box park and then headed to the Academy, which I have to say, I missed going there as the place usually is quite good (more on that ahead)!! Queue was huge, so when we got inside, Elvenking was already playing!! They were, besides Alestorm the only band I hadn’t seen before, so I was curious to see what they were all about. With a new album coming out in April (they played at least one song from it: “Luna”) the Italian sextet showed plenty of energy in stage with the singer running quite a lot but never losing his breath. They brought a mix of Power and Folk Metal, with some crazy solos, heavy riffing and a damn good violinist!! They ended the show with “Elvenlegions”, which I’m assuming it’s their gathering song, and they were fun to watch and opened the day quite good!!

Next, would be one of the bands I really wanted to see: Heidevolk!! I had seen them in Sheffield on the HRH Vikings and they left me with a good impression!! And again, they were really good to watch!! This time I knew a couple of more songs from them, so identified some like “A Wolf in my Heart”, “Winter Woede”, plus the enormous, and fun, to try to sing, “Vulgaris Magistralis”!!! They released their seventh album in 2023, so there was no surprise that half of the songs in the set were from “Wederkeer”!! They are a very well oiled machine, with every riff hitting the spot, and a bunch of different vocals, as besides the two main vocalists (great harmonies coming from them), Rowan, the bassist, also shows up to growl in quite a few songs!! The fact they sing most songs in Dutch for me is even a plus as I think the harshness of that language fits very well their music!! Top-notch and for me it would be the show of the night!!!

We had time for a couple of more beers and now time for me to complain about the venue!! It was so cold inside the place, that at some point I thought we were watching an outdoor show in freezing cold London!! Don’t know what happened but man I think for the first time in an indoor concert, I didn’t take my jacket off!!

Used to the cold must be Tyr, the next band in stage, as they are from the Faroe Islands, and after seeing them opening for Sabaton in 2014 in Portugal, I was looking forward to see them again!! Some people said they looked a bit tired but I must say it was quite enjoyable to see them and sing songs like “By the Sword in my Hand” (opening things in a high note), “Hail to the Hammer” (many Manowar fans were doing the sign of the hammer eheh) and closing with “Hold the Heathen Hammer High (again some Manowar influence with a lot of songs about axes, hammers (their newest guitarist surname is Hammer so better than that, impossible!!) and swords eheh)!! They also played a couple of songs from their newest album “Battle Ballads”, which contrary to the title is quite fast/mid-tempo!! They have a lot of melody in their music (something very noticeable this evening, with exception of the last band) with some very gripping riffs, a very dynamic rhythm section and vocals very well balanced between grit and melody. Very good show!!!

Ensiferum was next, and the only time I’ve seen them was in 2010 in a Portuguese festival where they played in the same day as My Dying Bride (got love the internet to remind you of these things ahah)!! So 15 years later, they showed up, played a hell of a concert and left with the feeling of a job well done. Another band with a very recent album, so no surprise to listen to a couple of songs from it and they weren’t that bad!! Opener “Fatherland” can become a song which will stay in their set lists in the future!! They surprised me when the guy playing keyboards all of the sudden delivers some Rob Halford type of vocals which I wasn’t expecting that much!! I’m still as of today deciding if I liked them or not ahah!! It sounds weird in their music but well, they just trying something different, maybe it’s just a phase ahah!! Things got interesting when they delivered some of their old material like “Victory Song”, “Iron” or “Lai Lai Hei” (a song with a bit of Finnish Iskelma) which made some heat return to the Academy. Good show although for me a couple of notches below the previous bands!!

 Ok so let’s go to the last band!! I wasn’t a fan before their show and didn’t become one now, but honestly, this wasn’t the worst concert that I’ve ever seen!! But come on man, they had three huge, inflated ducks on stage, and then no songs about ducks?? Not even Drunk Duck, Zombie Duck or Pirate Duck? Was too much to ask for a song about ducks when they had those three yellow monsters on stage? Pretty lame if you ask me!! Am I not being serious?? Well don’t blame me, Alestorm started it!! There are songs about drinking, pirates, zombies, more drinking, geography (it seems there were songs about “Mexico” and “Uzbekistan” (a country that deserved a song long ago), some guys trying to steel a beer (at the price you pay for them at the O2, I promise you, there’ll be a big fight for it) and some sexual gratification with an anchor (don’t ask me why)!! The songs are funny, people were having fun and singing, so I’m not going to rain on their parade!! Kudos for Patty Gurdy, with the Hurdy Gurdy (I promise I’m not making it up), which was very fun to watch and she has a hell of a voice, let her sing more for drunks sake!!!

Night came to an end, it was interesting, it was also a Sunday, so it was time to take the tube and get back home because as Alestorm said, their fans have no jobs, but unfortunately I’m no fan, so I needed to work Monday morning!!!

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Retribution Alive – Lethal Evil / Drones / Die Kur / Kill II This – The Underworld, London – 18.01.2025


January started slowly for us, a good way to recover from the holiday season and also a way to gather some energy for what comes ahead!! So, our first night out with concerts was on the 18th when Alan delivered one more night of Retribution Alive!! This time it was in the Underworld and there were new and old names to see and revisit.

We lost a bit of time on shenanigans so when we got to the venue Lethal Evil was already thrashing their way around. Before heading to the floor, we stop by the bar because you need to keep hydrated and this time, I chose Deya as my choice of beverage for the night!!! The London trio have a sound that drinks from the Thrash godz like Kreator or Sepultura and opened with a lot of energy this evening. We only caught a couple of songs from them included their new single “We Fight” and must say we will keep an eye for future appearances in the city by these guys!!

Next was Drones from Margate, Kent, a young quartet that delivered an interesting alternative Metal sound with plenty of different influences very well mashed!! They brought a ton of positive energy to the Underworld, which I think infected everyone present!! Great vocals (excellent range and a great stage presence), some excellent riffs, and a thick sound on the rhythm section, makes of this new horde, one to watch out for the future!! A couple of songs got stuck in my head like “Glass Houses”, “I’m Dying to Survive” or the very catchy “Love Me/Hate Me”, so that’s always a good sign!!!

Back to the bar for one more Deya, and next on stage was Die Kur, a veteran band from the London scene, which we had the chance to see already a couple of times!! Their music is quite challenging with a lot happening in stage, from the theremin and keyboards played by the singer, to the violin pieces or the very technical bass lines, they have a very unique sound. I can’t say is my usual choice of music but being honest, it was quite a good performance with some strong songs, and you can see the band was enjoying themselves on stage, which then usually transmits to the audience.

Back up to the bar, toilet and then another beer (honestly sometimes I don’t know why I work as the intermediary for the beer as it always ends in the same place but well, still looking for the meaning of life)!!! And last band to go on stage was Kill II This, a quartet which delivers a Thrash Metal with plenty of modern influences (in the 00’s that is). My history with these guys goes around almost 30 years earlier, when I saw them opening for Megadeth in Cascais, Portugal, on the Cryptic Writings tour!!! At the time, they only had one demo and their debut album, and it was cool that on this night they played pretty much the entire demo with songs like “Crucified” or “The Flood” sounding very catchy after those three decades. They also have a new album (which is their first with the new singer) and of course they had to show some of those songs like “Deus” or “ComaKarma”, which must say, sounded very good. Very tight sound, great stage presence, good riffs (courtesy of the man which has been always there, Mark Mynett) and again one other band which seemed to be enjoying the evening very much. I think this concert also marked the return of Caroline Campbell on bass (she spent a couple of years in the band in the late 90’s) and it seemed she’s been there all her life!! Our friend Trigger was ecstatic with their show, so it had to be great!!! An excellent way to end this night!! As we had another concert the next day, we did an early exit, with a mandatory stop at Woody's for a nice meat and chips!!

So congratz to Alan for one more Retribution Alive, and to a million more to happen in the future!!!

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Kill Town Death Fest - Downstairs at the Dome/The Dome, London - 17th to 19th October 2024

Kill Town Death Fest is a very known festival which usually happens in Copenhagen, Denmark but this time they got together with some London promoters and brought the stenchy aroma of Death Metal to London!!!

Throughout 3 days and 2 venues, we were able to taste a bit of what is been done worldwide in the Death Metal scene!! From the slums of London to the far away Japan passing through the States, Finland or Austria!!! And for extra fun we had Ricardo Veiga from our beloved SWR Barroselas Metalfest making us company for the weekend!!

First day was completely done at the DATD (I still thing Under the Dome would be a better name, go Stephen King fans) and after we got our bracelets for the weekend, we went in and already Fessus was destroying the place!! The Austrian quartet is quite young (they released a demo last year and a split will come out next month) but their sound is old, stenchy and just with the enough power I like in Death Metal. What an excellent beginning!! A band to keep an eye out (we bought their demo)!! Next came the London’s enforcers of the angel, Vaticinal Rites!! With a new album just out this year (“Cascading Memories of Immortality”), they crashed through the stage as a hurricane, leaving few standing up!! Chunky riffs, excellent drumming and a good impression left by these guys playing at home!! Also from the UK, Abyssal, delivered a very different type of destruction!! Their Death Metal has an aura of intimidation which was felt in the room!! Long, claustrophobic, dissonant tunes, invaded the DATD, taking our minds on a journey into darkness!! Freaking good!!! To close the day, we had Concrete Winds from Finland!! And I don’t think I can put into words the cataclysm which was their show!! It’s more than a concert, it’s a freaking experience!! They unleash riff after riff, on a whirlwind of chaos, destruction and mosh pit!! I got tired, and I was only watching!! What an excellent way to close this day!!

Second day took us to the DATD, older brother, The Dome, a bigger venue and after me and Ricardo went tour the outside of the Tower of London, we got there with plenty of time to see the start of the beginning of Slimelord's set!! The English band, which just released their debut album, “Chytridiomycosis Relinquished”, came out of the gate, delivering riff after riff, with plenty of chunkiness and putridity. Good way to start the day!!! Beers were flowing, conversation was good and next came Killing Addiction, a Floridan band, which released their debut album in 1993 and its successor 28-years later.  They delivered a good set of Death Metal, with plenty of good riffs, balance and some very good ideas!! Druid Lord were the next guests, and I must say I was more impressed with their set (we bought “Relics of the Dead” their 2022 album)!! They are also from Florida (one of their guitarists also plays in Killing Addiction) but their sound goes more into the Death/Doom side, with a great balance between slower and faster tunes, excellent musicianship and some Heavy powerful growling!! Next band to hit the stage was one of the bands I was more looking forward to watch in this festival: Rippikoulu!! Although they only released a couple of demos in the early 90’s, “Musta Seremonia”, is seen as one of the most important records in the Finnish Death Metal scene, and it’s a blast to have the chance to see those songs being played live!! You could feel the grittiness and the murkiness of their songs falling on a crowd which drank every riff, every growl, as it was their last meal of their lives!! Fucking excellent!! Last band in stage came from the far awa Peru and goes by the name of Mortem!! Being active since the late 80’s, these veterans are one of the most respected and cherished bands from South America and they showed why, performing their blasphemous and evil Death Metal for all the maniacs at the Dome!! The atmosphere was thick, the chants were high, and all was set for a great Death Metal gig!! They rambled through time with no mercy to posers, no time for prisoners and no slack for lazy bastards!!! I remember buying their debut album “Demon Tales”, when it was re-issued in Europe by Merciless Records, and having the chance to see them performing almost 30 years later, was a dream come true!! What a way to end this day!! Well not end, because we went for the after-party at the Black Heart and got properly hammered as the night demanded!!!

Waking up on Saturday was a pain but Metal is in our veins, and we can’t stop!! So, wake up, order some food and head to the Dome because this day, we had 11 bands performing between both venues and I wanted to catch them all!! Cryptworm were the first to rise on the stage of the Dome, and with my first beer of the day in my hand, I saw the trio from Bristol destroy the Dome!! Their music is fucking contagious, with that tupa-tupa which makes you want to run on the mosh pit (and then you remember you are almost fifty and a bit (cough cough) out of shape)!! With “Oozing Radioactive Vomition” (their 2nd album) on their backs, Tibor and company just smashed it!! The deepest growls you can imagine, vicious drumbeats and neck breaking riffs!! What a hell of a beginning!! Would be difficult for any band to come after this beating but Mortuary Spawn gave their best and it was quite interesting as well!! The Leeds quintet unleashed their relentless Death Metal and showed people that the genre is being well take care of here in the island!! Next band was one that I had quite a bit of interest to see as I’ve never saw them before!! Adversarial arrived from Canada and their Death Metal is very obscure and destructive!! Thick riffs, speeded but freaking powerful drumming, sick growling, this was a show that grinded everyone to dust!! With their newest offer, “Solitude with the Eternal...” just out a couple of months ago, the Canadians blasted the crowd and left few standing up!! More than a show, it’s an experience to survive one of their mowings!!! I got so soul tired that I needed a couple of beers and to chat with people so I pretty much lost Coffin Mulch, as every time I thought I would go down to see them someone else would start a conversation. So, at the Dome I got to see Phobocosm, which also came from Canada, and must say they didn’t impress me as much as their fellow countrymates. Not that they were bad, but something wasn’t clicking for me, which maybe was my fault. So, I went downstairs because next band was one of my favourite from the entire fest!! Aberration is their name, and the show was exactly what I expected!! Their debut album, “Refracture”, which came out in March (and one copy came to my home) is a beast of a record, and live, these guys are a beast as well. The dark atmosphere at the DATD could be cut by a knife, we could feel the oozing of their murky sound dripping from the ceiling!! Dissonant riffs, pounding drums, deep growling, bass lines that made our world trembling, all this and more was offered to us in this ritual of Death and obscurity!! I was drained but not enough to not go and watch Ossuary!! The Wisconsin band which made heads turn with a couple of demos and one EP, rumbled through the Dome, like a bull in a china shop. Their music has a bit of Bolt Thrower mixed with the excellent Finnish sound, and I love that the vocalist doesn’t go for the obvious growling but more of a shrieking harsh grunt. Very good and a band to keep an eye on!! Next band was supposed to be the US Left Cross but due to some unforeseen circumstances they couldn’t make it to Europe and they were replaced here by CrypticShift, which made sense as some of the guys in this band had performed with Slimelord and Cryptworm!! For me was an excellent replacement because these guys have a very interesting sound, a Thrash/Death Metal very technical which reminds me of Death or Nocturnus!! I thought the gig was maybe a bit less tight than usual but still it was very good and makes us salivate for their next record!! Back to the Dome and to witness for the first time the destructive power of Anatomia!!! And the Japanese horde didn’t leave their weapons at home!! What a fucking whirlwind of violence, riffing and pounding came from the stage, infecting everyone down in the mosh pit!! Their Death Metal which at times has this punkish attitude, felt like a kick in the teeth and a punch in the gut!! Last band downstairs came from Italy and went by the name of Fuoco Fatuo!! We had seen them a while ago when they played with Grave Miasma and Ruins of Beverast, and got impressed with their murky sound, so it wasn’t a surprise when their show at the KTDF was a massive wall of sound which crushed to pieces the remaining survivors of the steamroll Anatomia!! Never did the DATD felt as claustrophobic as when these guys were unleashing their Death/Doom Metal full of sick slow riffs and extra deep growling!! The last band to close KTDF in London was the mighty Cancer, which were playing back on their birth country!! We had seen them on the XXIV SWR Barroselas Metalfest in April but I don’t know if it was because of being back to the UK, this one seemed a blast, a hell of a good performance with time for a new song, old classics and ending with the amazing “Cancer Fucking Cancer”!!! What could we ask more for the end of Kill Town Death Fest in London???

So overall, a great first edition of Kill Town Death Fest in London, big and good crowd on the three days, great bands, excellent sound, lots of beer drinking and hell raising, and the hope the fest will return next year!!!!

Monday, 15 April 2024

Celestial Darkness Fest – Day 2 – Underworld & Electric Ballroom, London – 02.03.2024

The 2nd day started at the Underworld, really early (like 12ish), because it also has to end early, but the first band which was supposed to go (EDENFALL) had some problems and didn’t show up!! I’ve heard something about flat tyres but I’m not 100% sure!

So next was a band we were enticed to see, as we didn’t much know about them.  Of Wonders & Sorrow arrived from Mexico, and it was a bit of a disappointment. When we got there, there was one guy and one girl on stage, both with guitars, and nothing else (drums were recorded). Everything started a bit messy with her guitar being like non-existent and his vocals very low. Things got a bit better throughout their set (we saw 3 or 4 songs) and they brought this Bauhaus kind of vibe to their music. Not impressed must say, but it’s not easy to open a festival, and doing it very early.

Moving on to the Electric Ballroom and time for The Infernal Sea to go on stage. They weren’t supposed to be in the fest, but Schammasch had some issues, and they came to replace them. And must say, after seeing them 3 times in one month, that this was the one I enjoyed the most. They opened with “Lord Abhorrent” from their new album “Hellfenlic”, and they grabbed the crowd at once with their Black Metal. At some points, they sound more like a Thrash band, but I’m not saying that’s bad eheh!! Great stage presence, and a thumbs up from me!!

Next was Ad Nauseam from Italy with their Avant-Garde and very technical Death Metal. It seems has been exporting lately some sick Death Metal (Hour of Penance, Hideous Divinity), and these guys don’t slack on the virtuoso department. Sick solos, big dissonant riffs, vocals, which seem to be more like invocations than growls, and a good set, although a bit out of our field!!

We went back to the Electric Ballroom because it was time for Isole, which in case you don’t know, has like three members of Ereb Altor, but here performing a more doomish sound. Sometimes their music brings to mind Candlemass, with great epic moments that the band knows how to sue to build the momentum and grab the audience. They brought to London their new album “Anesidora” but not forgetting older gems like “Beyond the Horizon”, which is a beast of a song.

One more round, and time for one of the best shows of the weekend. The Germans Heavy/Prog Death Metal lords, that go by the name of Chapel Of Disease!! With a new album in their bag, they came, saw, and conquered London, with heavy riffs, Death Metal hints and a great stage presence!! Their mix of the several genres is a genius play (although I can see some people hating it ahah), and even a band like Hallas came to my mind when they were playing. It’s not a band you can fit in a box so go for it if you are into bands that don’t mind bending the fences that separate genres!! We ended the night talking with Laurent and realized that he’s the sole member left from the three, that recorded “Echoes of Light”!!

Time to run to the Electric Ballroom because Vreid was next, and I really wanted to see them, mostly because I’m a huge Windir fan, and thought they were doing more of a homage to that band. But no, they were playing music created by them throughout the ages. They played a couple of Windir songs like “Saknet” and the enormous “Journey to the End” (a very nice way of ending the show), a bit of their career with Vreid and one song from Ulcus (a project they had around the time of Windir). Overall, it was a very good concert, their music is excellent, full of melody and atmosphere, but I was expecting a bit more Windir songs!! But at least the two they played were amazing to hear!!

Swedish October Tide were next with their Doom/Death Metal quite melodic and catchy. They brought their most recent album “The Cancer Pledge”, from which they played a couple of songs, and they conquered the audience. The guitar leads flowed through the Underworld, some Katatonia came to mind (I know I’m being unfair as both the Norman brothers played there) but the new songs also showed a more varied material with some fast tempos being introduced.

I didn’t finish to see them because next was a band I really wanted to see: Aura Noir!!! And they were amazing!! The trio of Aggressor, Apollyon and Blasphemer, ripped through the Electric Ballroom, and through the records of their career!! The riffs were blazing, the drums were pounded, and Aggressor vocals were manic!! It was time to headbang to tunes like “Iron Night/Tormentor Storm” or “Fighting for Hell”!! Is for this kind of concerts that it is worth getting out of the bed!!! My soul was satisfied, and my neck was hurting, so a good one for sure!!!

To calm things down came Saturnalia Temple and their slowish Doom Metal. Their music is slow, ritualistic, and entrancing, putting everyone under their spell!! I endured for a couple of songs like “Aion of Drakon” or “To the Other” but then my mind said beer was necessary, and I went to the bar, and listened to the rest of their show in there. Need to see them on a different mood, and not after an amazing show from Aura Noir!!

Last band to watch was one I never thought I would see them live!! I remember buying their debut album, “A Wintersunset…” in the mid 90’s, and being blown away by the quality of this German band!! Almost thirty years later I finally saw Empyrium live, and it was quite good!! They were playing a very old school set which comprised of the amazing “Songs of Moors & Misty Fields” album in its entirety plus “Under Dreamskies” from their debut and surprisingly “My Nocturnal Queen” from their only demo, released in 1995. It was a night for remembering, to feel the beautiful melodies of this dark Folk created by Markus Stock, and to close your eyes, and getting lost in a timeless journey!!! Priceless and something I believe a lot of people never thought it would witness it!!! A very good way to finish this second day of Celestial Darkness!!

Well, over, over it wasn’t because we still had some energy to go to the Black Heart for the after party, for some beers, chat, and annoy people eheh!!! The night was young and it belonged to us!!!

Friday, 12 April 2024

Celestial Darkness Fest – Day 1 – Islington Academy, London – 01.03.2024

The good people of Cult of Parthenope, the guys behind Cosmic Void, decided to do a fest a bit more eclectic, and not so as much focused on Black Metal as the aforementioned, but much in the same vein (venue and system wise) as Cosmic Void system has been functioning very well.

My first impression was of a very good line-up with quite a far range of bands hitting London, but maybe we are too eclectic because the only down note of the weekend was the lack of public, especially noticed in the Electric Ballroom. But that’s something, that not us, or the organizer, can control, so let’s move on!!!

First day was on the Islington Academy and as usual, due to work duties, we lost the first band. Vehement, from the UK, was its name and unfortunately, we can’t say nothing about it!! So, for us, the first band was the Romanian horde Dordeduh, and they were a nice surprise. Formed by Sol Fau and Hupogrammos after they left Negura Bunget in 2009, Dordeduh delivers a sound close to what they were creating with Negura around the time of the mighty “Om”. They released a very good album in 2012 but then waited almost a decade to deliver their second effort. “Har” is its name, and not surprisingly was the main focus on their show. Great melodies, a lot of atmospheric ambiance, varied vocals, folkish elements, all were unleashed by the four guys on stage with a very precise and calm performance. They gained for sure more fans after this excellent show, yours here included!!

Next was Ereb Altor, which we only saw a decade ago, when they played in Portugal. Their show was good, maybe not as captivating as I was expecting, but it was good. If you are a fan of Bathory (“Hammerheart or “Blood Fire Death” age) you will probably like them as their music is much inspired by Quorthon’s creation. Again here, atmosphere is the main word, as their music is built with plenty of it. They have a new album out called “Vargtimman”, and it was with its opener “I Have the Sky”, that they started their show. Epic riffs, great presence, thick bass lines, the Swedes have it all, and caught the attention of the crowd with their songs. I think they closed (if they didn’t, I’m sure they played it) with “With Fire In My Heart” which is one of my favourite songs from them. Fists in the air and sing “With fire in my heart and blood on my hands, Blood and Fire”!!!

To close the night, we had Primordial, a band I was lucky enough to see quite a few times!! And I must say, this was one of the best I’ve seen from the Irish horde!! Tight as ever but with the more enthusiastic Alan that I’ve ever seen, the man was all over the place, seemed happy, and even traded a bit of friendly banter with the audience. The veteran band (amazing that 30 years have passed since their inception) brought the new offer “How It Ends” (which I bought in the merch table in double CD for a tenner, crazy innit?) to London, and like I already said, it was amazing!! They opened with “As Rome Burns” and closed with “Empire Falls” and in the between they left a trail of corpses, riffs, songs, and a freaking excellent show. They also had time, of course, for the new album, a couple of songs, if I’m not mistaken, including the title track, but went through most of their career, which nowadays encompasses ten albums. It’s cathartic to see Primordial, you feel like you want to scream when Alan is screaming, to headbang when Ciaran delivers some nasty riff, to stomp alongside the drums!! What a fucking beginning of a festival!!!

After that, we were looking for something to eat (great Greek place close to the O2, Holy Pitta), then lost ourselves a bit in the area, found the pub where some of our friends were, the queue was big and so  we said, fuck it, let’s go home as the long weekend was just starting!!!!

Friday, 8 March 2024

Girlschool / Alcatrazz / Raven / Airforce – The Dome, London - 17.02.2024

Once more we were a bit divided on what to do on this specific Saturday but as I had never seen Girlschool before, this was the one, we chose to attend!! Our friend Rui joined us, so before going to the Dome to witness this amazing line-up, we had a bit of cheese, chorizo and a nice bottle of red wine to start the evening!! 

When we got to THE DOME (which is a 20-minute walk from our home) AIRFORCE was already midway “Fight”, their opening track as I think they started a bit earlier than it was announced!! They displayed their laidback, NWOBHM influenced music which set the rest of the evening!! Flávio Lino, their Portuguese singer, was in a very nice mood and with a bit of banter here and there kept the crowd on their feet and singing along!! They delivered songs from both their albums, “Judgement Day” from 2016 and “Strike Hard” from 2020, although leaning more on the most recent one, with great tracks as “Band of Brothers” or “Son of the Damned” bringing the first signs of headbanging!! Not too much, as the crowd was a bit already on the veteran side, so must be careful with the neck eheh!! Chop delivered the goods on the guitar, Tony Hatton maintained the beat with the thick bass lines and it’s amazing to see Doug Sampson still kicking the drums like there’s no tomorrow!! They closed with “Sniper” and left the Dome with a couple of more fans in the crowd for sure!!!

Next came RAVEN, which we saw almost a year ago at The Black Heart (weird, right?) playing the 40 years of “All For One”!! The band of the Gallagher brothers brought a ton of energy to the stage, and a lot of good humour as well, especially the faces that Mark does while playing the guitar!! They opened with “Stay Hard”, followed by “Hell Patrol” and “The Power” showing that this was going to be a set which would roam through their vast career, not forgetting their most recent one, “All Hell’s Breaking Loose” which came out in 2023!! John, always pounding the bass while running around, singing with a headset gave him that freedom, was blasting away through songs which took a lot of the people in the Dome back in time, mainly when they went for “Rock Until You Drop”, a song released more than 40 years ago, or their 1982 singe “Crash Bang Wallop” with which they closed their set!! Can’t go before talking about Mike Heller, which is been drumming with them since 2018, who is a damn freaking machine, always putting the tempo up and away!! 

The beer was flowing, the mood was very good at The Dome and next we had ALCATRAZZ, which if I'm being honest, were the band I wanted less to see!! But I also didn’t have anything better to do so I watched their show!! Although I came out of it not impressed a lot of other people seemed to have enjoyed it quite a lot, so no harm, no foul!! For what I understand there are a couple of Alcatrazz’s line-ups with this one bringing as sole founding member keyboardist Jimmy Waldo!! They delivered a good set of a Heavy Metal, a lot of show off from their guitarist, good vocal skills by their frontman, who I think used to play with Rainbow, and if I’m not mistaken, they played a couple of cover songs from that band and a bit more melodic that I wanted at that time!! Nevertheless, it was entertaining and fun, and a couple of catchy songs like “Don’t Get Mad.. Get Even’ or “Battlelines”!!

Last band hitting the stage was the one I was more looking forward to see, GIRLSCHOOL and the ladies did not disappoint!! What a display of energy and happiness!! They looked really happy to be on stage and that is contagious!! They opened with “Demolition Boys” from their 1980 album, which is a banger to start, then flew through their career not forgetting the latest album, “WTFortyFive?” from which they played “It is What It is” and “Are You Ready” (this one as encore and with the guitarist from Alcatrazz making an appearance)!! Kim’s vocals are top notch, Jackie delivered some good riffing and solos, Tracey delivered the goods in the bass guitar with a lot of energy and Denise kept everyone tapping the foot!! The concert was a breeze, it passed way faster than what I was expecting, but that happens when you are having fun!! Of course, I had a totally fan-boy reaction when they played in a row, “Race With the Devil”, “Bomber” and “Emergency” (my favourite Girlschool song), it was fun to see the crowd singing and headbanging with the band, and the Dome was lit with energy and air guitars!! It took me a while to see them for the first time but man, did I enjoy it!! Highly recommended if you haven’t seen them yet!!!

Later on, we had Sophie Woodard spinning some records at the Black Heart, and as we love her choice of music, we headed down to Camden to drink until the night was young again!! She didn’t disappoint, and I think we left the pub when it closed but I can be mistaken!! The epilogue of a very enjoyable night!!  

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

The Infernal Sea / Necronautical / Darkest Era / Deitus – The Underworld, London - 10.02.2024


The 2nd Saturday of February brought to London quite a few concerts which we would like to go but, in the end, we had to choose one, and we chose this great package that featured four very good bands!! Before heading to the Underworld, we met our friend Galas at the Black Heart for some Lightbulbs (steadily becoming one of my favourite beers) and a bit of warming up!! Then head on to THE UNDERWORLD!!

DEITUS opened the ceremonies, and early on we were being attacked by their fast uncompromised Black Metal. Presenting a new album (which came out in 2023) called “Irreversible”, the London horde did not disappoint all those already gathered in the Underworld when they got on stage. Their Black Metal has a bit of a Thrashy sound which for me fits quite well and makes some of their songs very catchy and headbanging!! There was melody, anger, great riffs, and soaring vocals, which created a very good atmosphere for this first concert of the day!!

Second band in stage, were their labelmates (hell thinking better all the bands tonight are with Candlelight Records) DARKEST ERA, a band which we had seen a couple of months before at The Black Heart, and it was very good to see them again, and this time with a bit more people in the crowd!! They are an awesome bunch, and their music is right down my alley: a mix of Doomish Heavy Metal with their Celtic heritage and a lot of epicness!! They also released an album not long ago: 2022’s “Wither On The Vine” (which I brought home in vinyl format and signed by a couple of them) which they presented a couple of tracks here like “Floodlands” and “The Collapse”. I don’t want to repeat myself too much, but these guys are a great band, and every time I see them, I think I’m more, and more into their music!! Their songs are like a journey into older times, where vocalist Krum serves as guide and troubadour. They play as tight as you could ask, with every riff being thrown at you with all their might and precision, catchy solos, thick bass lines, and drums very steady, with just the right amount of strength. I didn’t want it to end but when it came, I accepted as a grown man and moved to the bar for a pint of cold Camden Pale Ale!!

Another known name to us, and pretty much to everyone in the UK, were the next guests: NECRONAUTICAL!! I don’t think I ever saw a not so good concert from these guys, and today it wasn’t different!! They came, they saw, and they conquered, it’s my final idea!! Their riffs haunt you, hours after they finished their set, the tempo changes are immense, Naut’s vocals are the devil in disguise, there’s so much happening but in a way that seems clear to the listener. You can feel daunted by the images which seem to come out of their music, but you can’t look away from the beauty/horror of it!! I got so immersed in their music, and so tired after it, that when The Infernal Sea came on stage, I was pretty much empty and only saw a couple of their songs and went to the bar to harass the Darkest Era guys ahaha!! The fact I was going to see them twice in the next couple of weeks made me feel a bit less guilty!!

Overall, it was a beast of a night, with a great packed The Underworld, which is always a great image, and a lot of good UK bands, giving their best!!!