Friday, 11 February 2022


Before posting about the new issue of Metal Horde Zine, I wanted to address some logistic difficulties we are facing. As in other countries, postage prices went up and are a bit of an effort in a DIY publication like Metal Horde Zine, so that you are aware to send a copy of the fanzine to other European countries will cost 4.25 pounds, while 2 to 3 copies will cost 5.25 pounds. All this to say that we will try to find different solutions so that people that has followed us throughout the years, don't get burned because of prices. 

Some of those solutions will be pass by sending a couple of issues together, instead of just one, or to send more than 1 copy of the zine, or to find a point of contact in the country to sell the zine, like we already did in Portugal. If anyone is interested, let me know and we can discuss that.

As for the first one, to anyone interested, you can request the reservation of issue 28 and I will ship it to you when the 29 is out (which will happen before May/June 2022 as it's already in the works) and for example in that case instead of paying twice 7 euros for each package you would pay 10 euros for both zines with postage included. You can choose to help us by paying in advance or just reserve and pay when the two issues are shipped to you, we are more than ok with both ways. Also to say that anyone that opts for this, will receive an extra item, which can be one other fanzine, cd's or tapes.

On the 2nd solution, if you want to grab a couple of copies (beside your own) of issue 28 to sell in your area, just let me know and we can think of something!!